Frequently asked questions
I can't find my language listed in Muses Radio Player. What can I do?
Muses Radio Player uses very few texts, so It'll be easy for you to collaborate with the project translating some texts to your language. If you think you can do a good Translation for your language, please translate the following lines and send them to us using our Feedback & support tool.
- Play (to play music, not a game)
- Stop (to stop music)
- Intro (to inform that an introduction audio is being played)
- Network Error (to indicate a communication error)
- Error: Load Complete (to indicate that load has been completed - this is an error because live audio should never be completed)
- Error: Sound Complete (same case of load complete, technically different for debugging)
- Volume (to indicate audio volume)
- Security Error (to indicate that some security restrictions where broken)
- About Muses Radio Player... (when the user does right-click on the player)
- Version 0.X.X (to indicate version number when right-clicking)
More FAQs
- What is Muses Radio Player?
- What do I need to use Muses Radio Player?
- How can I put Muses Radio Player on my blog?
- I already have my streaming URL, how can I install Muses Radio Player on my site?
- I don't have a streaming provider... Where can I get one?
- I have the streaming URL, but Muses isn't working for me: What should I check?
- The audio cuts every few seconds. What's happening?
- When I use OGG audio, it sounds stretchy/pitched. What's happening?
- I've installed crossdomain.xml, but I'm still getting "Security Error" Message. What should I check?
- How does Muses handles memory consumption and audio cache?
- Does Muses Radio Player sends any information concerning my site to any other site?
- I can't find my language listed in Muses Radio Player. What can I do?
- How can I enable Callbacks to get Muses events via Javascript?
- What should I use Event Callbacks for?
- I'm using shoutcast, and I'm quite sure everything is well configured, but my streaming still wont play. What can I try?
- What's a fallback streaming and how can I use this feature?
- What does metadata means?
- I'm using AAC codec but it sounds really bad, and sometimes it doesn't even sound at all.
What should I check? - I've placed the generated HTML code into my .html file, but when I open this file on my browser directly from my hard-drive I don't see the player: What's happening?
- How can I make my own Skin for Muses Radio Player?
- How can I make sure my player works on every browser?
- I provide streaming services: Can I place a Muses setup form on my site?
- How can I display metadata (artist and track name) information with Muses?